[kom-blog] Cheat Point Blank 27 Desember 2010 PB PKL_injectionV3.6

Download Cheat Point Blank. Point blank, or PB is a game online game similar to counter strike. But point blank at online gaming is more and more users who choose Pb than cs (counter strike). Many said that point blank more attractive and have a better picture. Currently in Indonesia alone online gaming has become the most favorite games among gamers.

We will provide little information for those of you who really love the point blank, namely how to play cheat bp and also a collection point blank that you can download for free.

Cheat Point Blank 27 Desember 2010 PB PKL_injectionV3.6

Cara Pemakain :
  1. Buka PKL_injection V 3.6 (download disini)
  2. Buka PB Launcher
  3. Start PB nya

Wallshot = F3 >>>>> Hanya cukup 1x saja and untuk seterus nya gak usah di pencet

Minimize = Insert >>>>> lama Banget aku test buat bika Facebook gak Bt lebih 1 jam (Kayaknya bertahan sampai kamu exit)......

Bomberman = F1 ( On ) >>>> Kalau gak perlu bisa di Off kan tapi gak Bt kayak WS dan Minimize
Bomberman = F2 ( Off )

Char Robot Cowok = F10
Char Robot Cewek = F11

Reset Char = F12

Fitur Tambahan

Baret SG : Numlock1
Baret Sniper: Numlock 2
Baret Hitam : Numlock 3

Cara Pemakaian :
  • WS hanya tekan F3 1x saja ssebelum main dan untuk seterusnya gak usah tekan jg gak apa apa
  • Bomber Sama
  • Minimize cukup tekan Insert saja aku test 1 jam
  • Beret dan karakter cara pakai nya :
    1. Masuk Room yang sudah Main tekan numlock 1 (Beret GM)
    2. Start/Mulai Permainan
    3. Waktu loading screnn Tekan F10/F11 (Untuk Char Robot)
    4. Saat bar masuk permainan kan ada tulisan "Sedang mempersiapkan Game" >>> Tekan F12 (Reset)
    5. Kalau Ingin effect asli terjadi kamu harus jadi RM (Room Master)

Created : Andrie_PKL™
  • Thankz to: Allah
  • Indrashott
  • RCD
  • Hero
  • Us-net.org
Sumber : KLIK INI


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